Configure Logs

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This page describes how to configure CockroachDB logs with the --log or log-config-file flag and a YAML payload. Most logging behaviors are configurable, including:

For examples of how these settings can be used in practice, see Logging Use Cases.


To configure the logging behavior of a cockroach command, include one of these flags with the command:

  • --log={yaml}, where {yaml} is the YAML payload
  • --log-config-file={yaml-file}, where {yaml-file} is the path to a YAML file

To disable logging, set --log-dir to a blank directory (--log-dir=) instead of using one of the other logging flags. Do not use --log-dir=""; this creates a new directory named "" and stores log files in that directory.


All cockroach commands support logging and can be configured with --log or --log-config-file. However, note that most messages related to cluster operation are generated by cockroach start or cockroach start-single-node. Other commands generate messages related to their own execution, which are mainly useful when troubleshooting the behaviors of those commands.

YAML payload

All log settings for a cockroach command are specified with a YAML payload in one of the following formats:

  • Block format, where each parameter is written on a separate line. For example, after creating a file logs.yaml, pass the YAML values with either --log-config-file or --log:

    cockroach start-single-node --certs-dir=certs --log-config-file=logs.yaml
    cockroach start-single-node --certs-dir=certs --log="$(cat logs.yaml)"
  • Inline format, where all parameters are specified on one line. For example, to generate an ops log file that collects the OPS and HEALTH channels (overriding the file groups defined for those channels in the default configuration):

    cockroach start-single-node --certs-dir=certs --log="sinks: {file-groups: {ops: {channels: [OPS, HEALTH]}}}"

    Note that the inline spaces must be preserved.

For clarity, this article uses the block format to describe the YAML payload, which has the overall structure:

file-defaults: ...       # defaults inherited by file sinks
fluent-defaults: ...     # defaults inherited by Fluentd sinks
http-defaults: ...       # defaults inherited by HTTP sinks
   file-groups: ...      # file sink definitions
   fluent-servers: ...   # Fluentd sink definitions
   http-servers: ...     # HTTP sink definitions
   stderr: ...           # stderr sink definitions
capture-stray-errors: ... # parameters for the stray error capture system

Providing a logging configuration is optional. Any fields included in the YAML payload will override the same fields in the default logging configuration.


You can view your current settings by running cockroach debug check-log-config, which returns the YAML definitions and a URL to a visualization of the current logging configuration.

Configure log sinks

Log sinks route events from specified logging channels to destinations outside CockroachDB. These destinations currently include log files, Fluentd-compatible servers, HTTP servers, and the standard error stream (stderr).

All supported output destinations are configured under sinks:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
http-defaults: ...
    {file group name}:
      channels: {channels}
    {server name}:
      channels: {channels}
    {server name}:
      channels: {channels}
      channels: {channels}

All supported sink types use the following common sink parameters:

Parameter Description
filter Minimum severity level at which logs enter the channels selected for the sink. Accepts one of the valid severity levels or NONE, which excludes all messages from the sink output. For details, see Set logging levels.
format Log message format to use for file or network sinks. Accepts one of the valid log formats. For details, see file logging format, Fluentd logging format, and HTTP logging format.
redact When true, enables automatic redaction of personally identifiable information (PII) from log messages. This ensures that sensitive data is not transmitted when collecting logs centrally or over a network. For details, see Redact logs.
redactable When true, preserves redaction markers around fields that are considered sensitive in the log messages. The markers are recognized by cockroach debug zip and cockroach debug merge-logs but may not be compatible with external log collectors. For details on how the markers appear in each format, see Log formats.
exit-on-error When true, stops the Cockroach node if an error is encountered while writing to the sink. We recommend enabling this option on file sinks in order to avoid losing any log entries. When set to false, this can be used to mark certain sinks (such as stderr) as non-critical.
auditable If true, enables exit-on-error on the sink. Also disables buffered-writes if the sink is under file-groups. This guarantees non-repudiability for any logs in the sink, but can incur a performance overhead and higher disk IOPS consumption. This setting is typically enabled for security-related logs.

If not specified for a given sink, these parameter values are inherited from file-defaults (for file sinks), fluent-defaults (for Fluentd sinks), and http-defaults (for HTTP sinks).

Output to files

CockroachDB can write messages to one or more log files.

file-groups specifies the channels that output to each log file, along with its output directory and other configuration details. For example:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
http-defaults: ...
      channels: [DEV]
      channels: [HEALTH]
      dir: health-logs

A file group name is arbitrary and is used to name the log files. The default file group is an exception. For details, see Log file naming.

Along with the common sink parameters, each file group accepts the following additional parameters:

Parameter Description
channels List of channels that output to this sink. Use a YAML array or string of channel names, ALL to include all channels, or ALL EXCEPT {channels} to include all channels except the specified channel names.

For more details on acceptable syntax, see Logging channel selection.
dir Output directory for log files generated by this sink.
max-file-size Approximate maximum size of individual files generated by this sink. Used to specify the maximum size that a log file can grow before a new log file is created. Accepts a valid file size, such as 2MiB.

Default: 10MiB
max-group-size Approximate maximum combined size of all files to be preserved for this sink. Configures the maximum size for a logging group (for example, cockroach, cockroach-sql-audit, cockroach-auth, cockroach-sql-exec, cockroach-pebble), after which the oldest log file is deleted. An asynchronous garbage collection removes files that cause the file set to grow beyond this specified size. Accepts a valid file size, such as 1GiB.

For high-traffic deployments, or to ensure log retention over longer periods of time, consider raising this value to 500MiB or 1GiB.

Default: 100MiB
file-permissions The chmod-style permissions on generated log files, formatted as a 3-digit octal number. The executable bit must not be set.

Default: 640 (readable by the owner or members of the group, writable by the owner).
buffered-writes When true, enables buffering of writes. Set to false to flush every log entry (i.e., propagate data from the cockroach process to the OS) and synchronize writes (i.e., ask the OS to confirm the log data was written to disk). Disabling this setting provides non-repudiation guarantees, but can incur a performance overhead and higher disk IOPS consumption. This setting is typically disabled for security-related logs.

If not specified for a given file group, the parameter values are inherited from file-defaults (except channels, which uses the default configuration).

Log file naming

Log files are named in the following format:

{process}-{file group}.{host}.{user}.{start timestamp in UTC}.{process ID}.log

For example, a file group health will generate a log file that looks like this:

For each file group, a symlink points to the latest generated log file. It's easiest to refer to the symlink. For example:


The files generated for a group named default are named after the pattern cockroach.{metadata}.log.

Access in DB Console


Log files can be accessed using the DB Console, which displays them in JSON format.

  1. Access the DB Console and then click Advanced Debug in the left-hand navigation.

  2. Under Raw Status Endpoints (JSON), click Log Files to view the JSON of all collected logs.

  3. Copy one of the log filenames. Then click Specific Log File and replace the cockroach.log placeholder in the URL with the filename.

Known limitations

Log files can only be accessed in the DB Console if they are stored in the same directory as the file sink for the DEV channel.

Output to Fluentd-compatible network collectors

CockroachDB can send logs over the network to a Fluentd-compatible log collector (e.g., Elasticsearch, Splunk). fluent-servers specifies the channels that output to a server, along with the server configuration details. For example:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
http-defaults: ...
      channels: [HEALTH]

A Fluentd sink can be listed more than once with different address values. This routes the same logs to different Fluentd servers.

Along with the common sink parameters, each Fluentd server accepts the following additional parameters:

Parameter Description
channels List of channels that output to this sink. Use a YAML array or string of channel names, ALL to include all channels, or ALL EXCEPT {channels} to include all channels except the specified channel names.

For more details on acceptable syntax, see Logging channel selection.
address Network address and port of the log collector.
net Network protocol to use. Can be tcp, tcp4, tcp6, udp, udp4, udp6, or unix.

Default: tcp
buffering Configures buffering of log messages for the sink, with the following sub-parameters:

  • max-staleness: The maximum time a log message will wait in the buffer before a flush is triggered. Set to 0 to disable flushing based on elapsed time. Default: 5s
  • flush-trigger-size: The number of bytes that will trigger the buffer to flush. Set to 0 to disable flushing based on accumulated size. Default: 1MiB
  • max-buffer-size: The maximum size of the buffer: new log messages received when the buffer is full cause older messages to be dropped. Default: 50MiB
When max-staleness and flush-trigger-size are used together, whichever is reached first will trigger the flush. buffering is enabled by default for Fluentd-compatible log sinks. To explicitly disable log buffering, specify buffering: NONE instead. This setting is typically disabled for security-related logs. See Log buffering for more details and usage.

For an example network logging configuration, see Logging use cases.

Output to HTTP network collectors

CockroachDB can send logs over the network to an HTTP server. http-servers specifies the channels that output to a server, along with the server configuration details. For example:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
http-defaults: ...
      channels: [HEALTH]
      method: POST
      unsafe-tls: false
      timeout: 2s
      disable-keep-alives: false

An HTTP sink can be listed more than once with different address values. This routes the same logs to different HTTP servers.

Along with the common sink parameters, each HTTP server accepts the following additional parameters:

Parameter Description
channels List of channels that output to this sink. Use a YAML array or string of channel names, ALL to include all channels, or ALL EXCEPT {channels} to include all channels except the specified channel names.

For more details on acceptable syntax, see Logging channel selection.
address Network address and port of the log collector.
method HTTP method to use. Can be GET or POST.

Default: POST
unsafe-tls When true, bypasses TLS server validation.

Default: false
timeout Timeout before requests are abandoned.

Default: 0 (no timeout)
disable-keep-alives When true, disallows reuse of the server connection across requests.

Default: false (reuses connections)
compression Compression method for the HTTP request body. Valid values gzip or none.

Default: gzip Prior to v23.1.4, requests were not compressed by default.
headers Map of key-value string pairs which will be appended to every request as custom HTTP headers.
buffering Configures buffering of log messages for the sink, with the following sub-parameters:

  • max-staleness: The maximum time a log message will wait in the buffer before a flush is triggered. Set to 0 to disable flushing based on elapsed time. Default: 5s
  • flush-trigger-size: The number of bytes that will trigger the buffer to flush. Set to 0 to disable flushing based on accumulated size. Default: 1MiB
  • max-buffer-size: The maximum size of the buffer: new log messages received when the buffer is full cause older messages to be dropped. Default: 50MiB
When max-staleness and flush-trigger-size are used together, whichever is reached first will trigger the flush. buffering is enabled by default for HTTP log sinks. To explicitly disable log buffering, specify buffering: NONE instead. This setting is typically disabled for security-related logs. See Log buffering for more details and usage.

For an example network logging configuration, see Logging use cases. For an example that uses compression and headers parameters, see Configure an HTTP network collector for Datadog.

Output to stderr

CockroachDB can output messages to the standard error stream (stderr), which prints them to the machine's terminal but does not store them. stderr specifies the channels that output to the stream. For example:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
http-defaults: ...
    channels: [DEV]

Along with the common sink parameters, stderr accepts the following additional parameters:


The format parameter for stderr is set to crdb-v2-tty and cannot be changed.

Parameter Description
channels List of channels that output to this sink. Use a YAML array or string of channel names, ALL to include all channels, or ALL EXCEPT {channels} to include all channels except the specified channel names.

For more details on acceptable syntax, see Logging channel selection.
no-color When true, removes terminal color escape codes from the output.

Because server start-up messages are always emitted at the start of the standard error stream, it is generally difficult to automate integration of stderr with log analyzers. We recommend using file logging or network logging via Fluentd or HTTP instead of stderr when integrating with automated monitoring software.


By default, cockroach start and cockroach start-single-node do not print any messages to stderr. However, if the cockroach process does not have access to on-disk storage, all messages are printed to stderr.

Logging channel selection

For each sink, multiple channels can be selected. Note that:

  • Spacing between items will vary according to the syntax used.
  • Channel selection is case-insensitive.

These selections are equivalent:

# Select OPS and HEALTH.
channels: [OPS, HEALTH]
channels: 'OPS, HEALTH'
channels: OPS,HEALTH

By default, the severity level set by filter in the sink configuration is used. However, you can specify a different severity level for each channel. For more information on severity levels, see Set logging levels.

These selections are equivalent:

# Select PERF at severity INFO, and HEALTH and OPS at severity WARNING.
channels: {INFO: [PERF], WARNING: [HEALTH, OPS]}
  - PERF
  - OPS

Brackets are optional when selecting a single channel:

channels: OPS
channels: {INFO: PERF}

To select all channels, using the all keyword:

channels: all
channels: 'all'
channels: [all]
channels: ['all']

To select all channels except for a subset, using the all except keyword prefix:

channels: all except ops,health
channels: all except [ops,health]
channels: 'all except ops, health'
channels: 'all except [ops, health]'

Configure logging defaults

When setting up a logging configuration, it's simplest to define shared parameters in file-defaults and fluent-defaults and override specific values as needed in file-groups, fluent-servers, http-servers, and stderr. For a complete example, see the default configuration.


You can view your current settings by running cockroach debug check-log-config, which returns the YAML definitions and a URL to a visualization of the current logging configuration.

This section describes some recommended defaults.

Set file defaults

Defaults for log files are set in file-defaults, which accepts all common sink parameters and the file group parameters dir, max-file-size, max-group-size, file-permissions, and buffered-writes.

Logging directory

By default, CockroachDB adds log files to a logs subdirectory in the first on-disk store directory (default: cockroach-data):


Each Cockroach node generates log files in the directory specified by its logging configuration. These logs detail the internal activity of that node without visibility into the behavior of other nodes. When troubleshooting, it's best to refer to the output directory for the cluster log files, which collect the messages from all active nodes.

In cloud deployments, the main data store will be subject to an IOPS budget. Adding logs to the store directory will excessively consume IOPS. For this reason, cloud deployments should output log files to a separate directory with fewer IOPS restrictions.

You can override the default logging directory like this:

  dir: /custom/dir/path/

File logging format

The default message format for log files is crdb-v2. Each crdb-v2 log message starts with a flat prefix that contains event metadata (e.g., severity, date, timestamp, channel), followed by the event payload. For details on the metadata, see Log formats.

If you plan to read logs programmatically, you can switch to a JSON or compact JSON format:

  format: json

format refers to the envelope of the log message, which contains the event metadata. This is separate from the event payload, which corresponds to its event type.

Set Fluentd defaults

Defaults for Fluentd-compatible network sinks are set in fluent-defaults, which accepts all common sink parameters.

Note that the server parameters address and net are not specified in fluent-defaults:

  • address must be specified for each sink under fluent-servers.
  • net is not required and defaults to tcp.

Fluentd logging format

The default message format for network output is json-fluent-compact. Each log message is structured as a JSON payload that can be read programmatically. The json-fluent-compact and json-fluent formats include a tag field that is required by the Fluentd protocol. For details, see Log formats.

  format: json-fluent

format refers to the envelope of the log message. This is separate from the event payload, which is structured according to event type.

Set HTTP defaults

Defaults for HTTP sinks are set in http-defaults, which accepts all common sink parameters.

Note that the server parameters address and method are not specified in fluent-defaults:

  • address must be specified for each sink under http-servers.
  • method is not required and defaults to POST.

HTTP logging format

The default message format for HTTP output is json-compact. Each log message is structured as a JSON payload that can be read programmatically. For details, see Log formats.

  format: json

format refers to the envelope of the log message. This is separate from the event payload, which is structured according to event type.

Set logging levels

Log messages are associated with a severity level when they are generated.

Each logging sink accepts messages from each logging channel at a minimum severity level. This minimum severity level can be specified per sink or by default using the filter attribute.

Messages with severity levels below the configured threshold do not enter logging channels and are discarded.

The default configuration uses the following severity levels for cockroach start and cockroach start-single-node:

  • file-defaults, fluent-defaults, and http-defaults each use filter: INFO. Since INFO is the lowest severity level, file and network sinks will emit all log messages.
  • stderr uses filter: NONE and does not emit log messages.
  • The default file group uses filter: INFO for events from the DEV and OPS channels, and filter: WARNING for all others.

All other cockroach commands use filter: WARNING and log to stderr by default, with these exceptions:

You can override the file-defaults, fluent-defaults, and http-defaults severity levels on a per-sink basis.

For example, this will include DEV events at severity WARNING:

      channels: DEV
      filter: WARNING

You can also override the filter attribute and set severity levels on a per-channel basis.

For example, this will include DEV events at severity INFO, and OPS events at severity ERROR:

      channels: {INFO: DEV, ERROR: OPS}

Redact logs

CockroachDB can redact personally identifiable information (PII) from log messages. The logging system includes two parameters that handle this differently:

  • redact is disabled by default. When enabled, redact automatically redacts sensitive data from logging output. We do not recommend enabling this on the DEV channel because it impairs our ability to troubleshoot problems.
  • redactable is enabled by default. This places redaction markers around sensitive fields in log messages. These markers are recognized by cockroach debug zip and cockroach debug merge-logs, which aggregate CockroachDB log files and can be instructed to redact sensitive data from their output.

When collecting logs centrally (e.g., in data mining scenarios where non-privileged users have access to logs) or over a network (e.g., to an external log collector), it's safest to enable redact:

  redact: true
  redact: true
  redact: true

In addition, the DEV channel should be output to a separate logging directory, since it is likely to contain sensitive data. See DEV channel.

External log collectors can misinterpret the cockroach debug redaction markers (< >), since they are specific to CockroachDB. To prevent this issue when using network sinks, disable redactable:

  redactable: false

If the default redaction behavior and policies do not meet redaction requirements, we recommend using the external log collectors with the redaction markers (< >) to redact. In this case, enable redactable.

DEV channel

The DEV channel is used for debug and uncategorized messages. It can therefore be noisy and contain sensitive (PII) information.

We recommend configuring DEV separately from the other logging channels. When sending logs to a Fluentd-compatible or HTTP network collector, DEV logs should also be excluded from network collection.

In this example, the dev file group is reserved for DEV logs. These are output to a cockroach-dev.log file in a custom disk dir:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
      channels: [DEV]
      dir: /custom/dir/path/

To ensure that you are protecting sensitive information, also redact your logs.

Log buffering for network sinks

Both Fluentd-compatible and HTTP log sinks support the buffering of log messages by default. Previous to version v22.2, log buffering was only available for the log file log sink.

With log buffering configured, log messages are held in a buffer for a configurable time period or accumulated message size threshold before being written to the target log sink together as a batch. Log buffering helps to ensure consistent low-latency log message writes over the network even in high-traffic, high-contention scenarios.

The following shows a basic log configuration with buffering configured for a Fluentd-compatible log sink:

    max-staleness: 20s
    flush-trigger-size: 2MiB
    max-buffer-size: 100MiB
      channels: HEALTH
        max-staleness: 2s  # Override max-staleness for HEALTH channel only

With this logging configuration:

  • CockroachDB will hold log messages in a buffer for up to 20s (the max-staleness setting), or up to a collected size of 2MiB (the flush-trigger-size setting), before writing ("flushing") the buffer to the log file. When both settings are used, whichever case is met first triggers the buffer flush.
  • If at any point the accumulated message size of buffer flushes (as triggered by reaching either the configured max-staleness or flush-trigger-size value) exceeds 100MiB (the max-buffer-size setting), all new incoming log messages received are dropped until the accumulated message size in the buffer once more falls below this value.
  • For the HEALTH log channel only, override the file-defaults value of 20s for max-staleness, instead flushing messages to the log file within up to 2s.

Alternatively, you may explicitly disable log buffering by setting buffering to NONE. The following log configuration explicitly disables log buffering for just the OPS channel on a Fluentd-compatible log sink:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
      channels: OPS
      buffering: NONE

The following disables log buffering completely for the Fluentd-compatible sink:

  buffering: NONE

Stray error capture

Certain events, such as uncaught software exceptions (panics), bypass the CockroachDB logging system. However, they can be useful in troubleshooting. For example, if CockroachDB crashes, it normally logs a stack trace to what caused the problem.

To ensure that these stray errors can be tracked, CockroachDB does not send them to stderr by default. Instead, stray errors are output to a cockroach-stderr.log file in the default logging directory.

You can change these settings in capture-stray-errors:

file-defaults: ...
fluent-defaults: ...
sinks: ...
  enable: true
  dir: /custom/dir/path/

When capture-stray-errors is disabled, redactable cannot be enabled on the stderr sink. This is because stderr will contain both stray errors and logged events and cannot apply redaction markers in a reliable way. Note that redact can still be enabled on stderr in this case.

Default logging configuration

The YAML payload below represents the default logging behavior of cockroach start and cockroach start-single-node.

  max-file-size: 10MiB
  max-group-size: 100MiB
  file-permissions: 644
  buffered-writes: true
  filter: INFO
  format: crdb-v2
  redact: false
  redactable: true
  exit-on-error: true
  auditable: false
  filter: INFO
  format: json-fluent-compact
  redact: false
  redactable: true
  exit-on-error: false
  auditable: false
  method: POST
  unsafe-tls: false
  timeout: 0s
  disable-keep-alives: false
  filter: INFO
  format: json-compact
  redact: false
  redactable: true
  exit-on-error: false
  auditable: false
        INFO: [DEV, OPS]
        WARNING: all except [DEV, OPS]
      channels: [HEALTH]
      channels: [KV_DISTRIBUTION]
      channels: [STORAGE]
      channels: [PRIVILEGES, USER_ADMIN]
      auditable: true
      channels: [SENSITIVE_ACCESS]
      auditable: true
      channels: [SESSIONS]
      auditable: true
      channels: [SQL_EXEC]
      channels: [SQL_PERF]
      channels: [SQL_INTERNAL_PERF]
      channels: [TELEMETRY]
      max-file-size: 100KiB
      max-group-size: 1.0MiB
    channels: all
    filter: NONE
    redact: false
    redactable: true
    exit-on-error: true
  enable: true
  max-group-size: 100MiB

For high-traffic deployments that output log messages to files, consider raising file-defaults: {max-group-size} to 500MiB or 1GiB to extend log retention.

Note that a default dir is not specified for file-defaults and capture-stray-errors:

  • The default dir for file-defaults is inferred from the first on-disk store directory. See Logging directory.
  • The default dir for capture-stray-errors is inherited form file-defaults.

See also

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