Build a GraphQL Application Using Hasura

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GA releases for CockroachDB v23.1 are no longer supported. Cockroach Labs will stop providing LTS Assistance Support for v23.1 LTS releases on November 13, 2025. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.

This tutorial shows you how to create a GraphQL application using Hasura Cloud and CockroachDB Dedicated.

The Hasura GraphQL Engine creates GraphQL schemas and resolvers based on the tables and views in your CockroachDB cluster, allowing you to submit GraphQL queries to access and manipulate your data.

Hasura GraphQL Engine v2.16 and later supports CockroachDB v22.2 and later.


This tutorial will show you how to configure a Hasura project with a CockroachDB data source, allow connections to your CockroachDB cluster from Hasura Cloud, and create a table that is then used with Hasura GraphQL Engine to retrieve and modify data.

Before you begin

Before you start this tutorial, you need:

Configure your cluster

  1. In the CockroachDB Cloud console, select your cluster and click Connect.
  2. Select the SQL user you want to use for the Hasura Cloud connection under Select SQL user.
  3. If you have not set up a SQL user for this cluster, follow the instructions to create a new SQL user. Be sure to copy and save the password to a secure location.
  4. Select General connection String.
  5. Expand Download CA Cert (Required only once)
  6. Select your operating system under Select operating system and then in a terminal run the command to download the certificate.
  7. Copy the connection string under General connection string and paste it in a secure location. You will use this connection string later to configure Hasura GraphQL Engine with your cluster.
  1. In the CockroachDB Cloud console, select your cluster and click Connect.
  2. If you have not set up IP Allowlists under Network Security, follow the instructions to add connections to your cluster from your machine.
  3. Select the SQL user you want to use for the Hasura Cloud connection under Select SQL user. If you have not set up a SQL user for this cluster, follow the instructions to create a new SQL user. Be sure to copy and save the password to a secure location.
  4. Select General connection String.
  5. Copy the connection string under General connection string and paste it in a secure location. You will use this connection string later to configure Hasura GraphQL Engine with your cluster.

Create a new project in Hasura Cloud

  1. In the Hasura Cloud console, select Projects, then click New Project.

  2. In the Create Project panel select the cloud infrastructure provider and region.

    The cloud infrastructure provider and region should match your cluster. For example, if you created a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster in GCP's us-east1 region, choose a GCP region closest to us-east1.

  3. Click Create Free Project.

Add environment variables to your project

You will store your cluster root certificate and connection string in your Hasura project's environment variables. Storing this connection information in environment variables is considered a best practice.

Create a SSL_ROOT_CERT environment variable for your cluster's CA cert.

  1. Select Env vars in your project settings, and click New Env Var.
  2. Under Key type SSL_ROOT_CERT, then press Enter.
  3. Copy the contents of your cluster's CA certificate file you downloaded earlier.

    For example, on Mac you can copy the contents of the CA certificate in a terminal using pbcopy:

    pbcopy < $HOME/.postgresql/root.crt
  4. Paste the contents of the CA certificate file under Value.

  5. Click Add.

  1. Select Env vars in your project settings, and click New Env Var.
  2. Under Key type SSL_ROOT_CERT, then press Enter.
  3. Copy the contents of your CockroachDB Dedicated cluster's CA certificate file you downloaded earlier.

    For example, on Mac you can copy the contents of the CA certificate in a terminal using pbcopy:

    pbcopy < $HOME/Library/CockroachCloud/certs/fake-puppy-ca.crt
  4. Paste the contents of the CA certificate file under Value.

    Adding the SSL_ROOT_CERT environment variable to the Hasura project

  5. Click Add.

Create a CRDB_URL environment variable to store the connection string.

  1. Click New Env Var.
  2. Under Key type CRDB_URL, then press Enter.
  3. Paste the connection string for your cluster you copied earlier. Add your SQL user password if necessary to the connection string.
  4. Remove the sslmode and sslrootcert query parameters from the end of the connection string. You will add the SSL settings later.

    For example, if your connection string in the CockroachDB Cloud console is:


    You would modify the connection string to:

  5. Click Add.

Create a Data Source in Hasura Cloud

  1. In the overview page in Hasura Cloud, select Projects, find the project you created earlier, and click Launch Console.
  2. Click Data in the console header to open the Data Manager.
  3. Click Connect Database.
  4. In the Connect Existing Database tab configure the connection to your cluster.
    1. Under Database Display Name type a name for your connection. Your cluster name is a good option. For example, fake-puppy.
    2. Set Data Source Driver to CockroachDB.
    3. Select Environment Variable, then enter CRDB_URL in the Environment Variable input box. Adding the connection string to the Hasura Data Manager
  5. Expand Connection Settings, then expand SSL Certificates Settings and set SSL Mode to verify-full.
  6. Enter SSL_ROOT_CERT under SSL Root Certificate, the environment variable you configured earlier.
  7. Click Connect Database.

Add the Hasura Cloud network to your cluster allowlist

Your CockroachDB Dedicated cluster needs to be configured to allow incoming client connections from Hasura Cloud.

  1. In the Hasura Cloud overview page select Projects, then click the Config icon for your project.

    Click the project Config icon

  2. In the General section, copy the IP address listed under Hasura Cloud IP.

  3. In the CockroachDB Cloud console select your cluster, click Networking, then Add Network.

  4. In the Add Network dialog, set Network name to Hasura Cloud.

  5. Under Network, select New Network. Paste the IP address of your Hasura Cloud instance you copied earlier.

  6. Check CockroachDB Client to access the databases, then click Apply.

Create a table in your CockroachDB cluster

  1. Connect to your cluster using the SQL client.

    cockroach sql --url "{connection string}"

    Where {connection string} is the connection string for your cluster you copied earlier.

  2. In the SQL client, create an accounts table.

      id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
      balance INT8
  3. Insert some data into the accounts table.

    UPSERT INTO accounts (balance) VALUES (1000), (250);

This will create two accounts, one with $1000 and another with $250.

Track the accounts table in the Hasura Cloud Data Manager

  1. In the Hasura Cloud Data Manager click public under your connection name.
  2. Click the Track All button.
  3. Click Yes when prompted to expose the table to the GraphQL API.

Create a GraphQL query in the Hasura Cloud API Explorer

In the Hasura Cloud Explorer, you will see the accounts table. You can expand accounts to construct a GraphQL query against the accounts table.

For example, to create a query that finds all accounts with balances greater than or equal to $500:

  1. Enter GetLargeAccounts as the query name in the Explorer.
  2. Expand accounts in the Explorer.
  3. Check balance and id, then expand where, then balance.
  4. Check _gte to create a "greater than or equal to" where clause for balance, then enter 500.

This creates the following GraphQL query:

query GetLargeAccounts {
  accounts(where: {balance: {_gte: "500"}}) {

Click the Execute Query button to run the GetLargeAccounts GraphQL query. The returned data should look like the following:

  "data": {
    "accounts": [
        "balance": 1000,
        "id": "2ed41abf-e831-42df-aff4-f88a6f2b0afc"

Executing the GraphQL query in the Hasura Cloud API Explorer

Next steps

Now that you have connected your cluster to Hasura GraphQL Engine, you can use the Explorer to create GraphQL queries to access and modify data in your cluster's tables. You can then use these queries in your application. For example, you can create Hasura Actions that use these queries. See the Hasura documentation for detailed information on integrating and deploying Hasura in your applications.

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