Start a Local Cluster (Secure)

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CockroachDB v19.1 is no longer supported as of October 30, 2020. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.

Once you’ve installed CockroachDB, it’s simple to start a secure multi-node cluster locally, using TLS certificates to encrypt network communication.


Running multiple nodes on a single host is useful for testing out CockroachDB, but it's not recommended for production deployments. To run a physically distributed cluster in production, see Manual Deployment or Orchestrated Deployment.

Before you begin

Make sure you have already installed CockroachDB.

Step 1. Create security certificates

You can use either cockroach cert commands or openssl commands to generate security certificates. This section features the cockroach cert commands.

  1. Create a directory for certificates and a safe directory for the CA key:

    mkdir certs my-safe-directory

    If using the default certificate directory (${HOME}/.cockroach-certs), make sure it is empty.

  2. Create the CA (Certificate Authority) certificate and key pair:

    cockroach cert create-ca \
    --certs-dir=certs \
  3. Create the client certificate and key, in this case for the root user:

    cockroach cert create-client \
    root \
    --certs-dir=certs \

    These files, client.root.crt and client.root.key, will be used to secure communication between the built-in SQL shell and the cluster (see step 4).

  4. Create the node certificate and key:

    cockroach cert create-node \
    localhost \
    $(hostname) \
    --certs-dir=certs \

    These files, node.crt and node.key, will be used to secure communication between nodes. Typically, you would generate these separately for each node since each node has unique addresses; in this case, however, since all nodes will be running locally, you need to generate only one node certificate and key.

Step 2. Start the first node

cockroach start \
--certs-dir=certs \
CockroachDB node starting at 2018-09-13 01:25:57.878119479 +0000 UTC (took 0.3s)
build:               CCL v19.1.11 @ 2020-07-07 00:00:00
webui:               https://localhost:8080
sql:                 postgresql://root@ROACHs-MBP:26257?sslcert=%2FUsers%2F...
client flags:        cockroach <client cmd> --host=localhost:26257 --certs-dir=certs
logs:                cockroach/cockroach-data/logs
temp dir:            cockroach-data/cockroach-temp998550693
external I/O path:   cockroach-data/extern
store[0]:            path=cockroach-data
status:              initialized new cluster
clusterID:           2711b3fa-43b3-4353-9a23-20c9fb3372aa
nodeID:              1

This command starts a node in secure mode, accepting most cockroach start defaults.

  • The --certs-dir directory points to the directory holding certificates and keys.
  • Since this is a purely local cluster, --listen-addr=localhost tells the node to listens only on localhost, with default ports used for internal and client traffic (26257) and for HTTP requests from the Admin UI (8080).
  • Node data is stored in the cockroach-data directory.
  • The standard output gives you helpful details such as the CockroachDB version, the URL for the Admin UI, and the SQL URL for clients.

Step 3. Add nodes to the cluster

At this point, your cluster is live and operational. With just one node, you can already connect a SQL client and start building out your database. In real deployments, however, you'll always want 3 or more nodes to take advantage of CockroachDB's automatic replication, rebalancing, and fault tolerance capabilities. This step helps you simulate a real deployment locally.

In a new terminal, add the second node:

cockroach start \
--certs-dir=certs \
--store=node2 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26258 \
--http-addr=localhost:8081 \

In a new terminal, add the third node:

cockroach start \
--certs-dir=certs \
--store=node3 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26259 \
--http-addr=localhost:8082 \

The main difference in these commands is that you use the --join flag to connect the new nodes to the cluster, specifying the address and port of the first node, in this case localhost:26257. Since you're running all nodes on the same machine, you also set the --store, --listen-addr, and --http-addr flags to locations and ports not used by other nodes, but in a real deployment, with each node on a different machine, the defaults would suffice.

Step 4. Test the cluster

Now that you've scaled to 3 nodes, you can use any node as a SQL gateway to the cluster. To demonstrate this, open a new terminal and connect the built-in SQL client to node 1:

The SQL client is built into the cockroach binary, so nothing extra is needed.
cockroach sql \
--certs-dir=certs \

Run some basic CockroachDB SQL statements:

CREATE TABLE bank.accounts (id INT PRIMARY KEY, balance DECIMAL);
INSERT INTO bank.accounts VALUES (1, 1000.50);
SELECT * FROM bank.accounts;
  id | balance
   1 | 1000.50
(1 row)

Exit the SQL shell on node 1:


Then connect the SQL shell to node 2, this time specifying the node's non-default port:

cockroach sql \
--certs-dir=certs \
In a real deployment, all nodes would likely use the default port 26257, and so you wouldn't need to set the --port flag.

Now run the same SELECT query:

SELECT * FROM bank.accounts;
  id | balance
   1 | 1000.50
(1 row)

As you can see, node 1 and node 2 behaved identically as SQL gateways.

Finally, create a user with a password, which you will need in the next step to access the Admin UI:


Exit the SQL shell on node 2:


Step 5. Access the Admin UI

The CockroachDB Admin UI gives you insight into the overall health of your cluster as well as the performance of the client workload.

  1. On secure clusters, certain pages of the Admin UI can only be accessed by admin users.

    Run the cockroach sql command against node 1:

    cockroach sql --certs-dir=certs --host=localhost:26257
  2. Assign max to the admin role (you only need to do this once):

    GRANT admin TO max;
  3. Exit the SQL shell:

  4. Go to https://localhost:8080. Note that your browser will consider the CockroachDB-created certificate invalid; you'll need to click through a warning message to get to the UI.


    If you are using Google Chrome, and you are getting an error about not being able to reach localhost because its certificate has been revoked, go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost, enable "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost", and then restart the browser. Enabling this Chrome feature degrades security for all sites running on localhost, not just CockroachDB's Admin UI, so be sure to enable the feature only temporarily.

  5. Log in with the username and password you created earlier (max/roach).

  6. On the Cluster Overview, notice that three nodes are live, with an identical replica count on each node:

    CockroachDB Admin UI

    This demonstrates CockroachDB's automated replication of data via the Raft consensus protocol.


    Capacity metrics can be incorrect when running multiple nodes on a single machine. For more details, see this limitation.

  7. Click Metrics to access a variety of time series dashboards, including graphs of SQL queries and service latency over time:

    CockroachDB Admin UI

  8. Use the Databases, Statements, and Jobs pages to view details about your databases and tables, to assess the performance of specific queries, and to monitor the status of long-running operations like schema changes, respectively.

Step 6. Monitor the cluster

Access the Admin UI for your cluster by pointing a browser to https://localhost:8080, or to the address in the admin field in the standard output of any node on startup. Note that your browser will consider the CockroachDB-created certificate invalid; you’ll need to click through a warning message to get to the UI.


If you are using Google Chrome, and you are getting an error about not being able to reach localhost because its certificate has been revoked, go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost, enable "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost", and then restart the browser. Enabling this Chrome feature degrades security for all sites running on localhost, not just CockroachDB's Admin UI, so be sure to enable the feature only temporarily.

Log in with the username and password created earlier (max/roach). Then click Metrics on the left-hand navigation bar.

CockroachDB Admin UI

As mentioned earlier, CockroachDB automatically replicates your data behind-the-scenes. To verify that data written in the previous step was replicated successfully, scroll down to the Replicas per Node graph and hover over the line:

CockroachDB Admin UI

The replica count on each node is identical, indicating that all data in the cluster was replicated 3 times (the default).

Capacity metrics can be incorrect when running multiple nodes on a single machine. For more details, see this limitation.
For more insight into how CockroachDB automatically replicates and rebalances data, and tolerates and recovers from failures, see our replication, rebalancing, fault tolerance demos.

Step 7. Stop the cluster

Once you're done with your test cluster, switch to the terminal running the first node and press CTRL-C to stop the node.

At this point, with 2 nodes still online, the cluster remains operational because a majority of replicas are available. To verify that the cluster has tolerated this "failure", connect the built-in SQL shell to nodes 2 or 3. You can do this in the same terminal or in a new terminal.

cockroach sql \
--certs-dir=certs \
SELECT * FROM bank.accounts;
  id | balance
   1 | 1000.50
(1 row)

Exit the SQL shell:


Now stop nodes 2 and 3 by switching to their terminals and pressing CTRL-C.

For node 3, the shutdown process will take longer (about a minute) and will eventually force stop the node. This is because, with only 1 of 3 nodes left, a majority of replicas are not available, and so the cluster is no longer operational. To speed up the process, press CTRL-C a second time.

If you do not plan to restart the cluster, you may want to remove the nodes' data stores:

rm -rf cockroach-data node2 node3

Step 8. Restart the cluster

If you decide to use the cluster for further testing, you'll need to restart at least 2 of your 3 nodes from the directories containing the nodes' data stores.

Restart the first node from the parent directory of cockroach-data:

cockroach start \
--certs-dir=certs \
With only 1 node back online, the cluster will not yet be operational, so you will not see a response to the above command until after you restart the second node.

In a new terminal, restart the second node from the parent directory of node2:

cockroach start \
--certs-dir=certs \
--store=node2 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26258 \
--http-addr=localhost:8081 \

In a new terminal, restart the third node from the parent directory of node3:

cockroach start \
--certs-dir=certs \
--store=node3 \
--listen-addr=localhost:26259 \
--http-addr=localhost:8082 \

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