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CockroachDB v19.1 is no longer supported as of October 30, 2020. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.

CREATE CHANGEFEED is an enterprise-only feature. For the core version, see EXPERIMENTAL CHANGEFEED FOR.

The CREATE CHANGEFEED statement creates a new enterprise changefeed, which targets an allowlist of tables, called "watched rows". Every change to a watched row is emitted as a record in a configurable format (JSON or Avro) to a configurable sink (Kafka or a cloud storage sink). You can create, pause, resume, or cancel an enterprise changefeed.

For more information, see Change Data Capture.

Required privileges

Changefeeds can only be created by superusers, i.e., members of the admin role. The admin role exists by default with root as the member.


CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR TABLE table_name , INTO sink WITH option = value ,


Parameter Description
table_name The name of the table (or tables in a comma separated list) to create a changefeed for.
sink The location of the configurable sink. The scheme of the URI indicates the type. For more information, see Sink URI below.
option / value For a list of available options and their values, see Options below.

Sink URI

The sink URI follows the basic format of:


The scheme can be kafka or any cloud storage sink.


Example of a Kafka sink URI:


Query parameters include:

Parameter Value Description
topic_prefix STRING Adds a prefix to all topic names.

For example, CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR TABLE foo INTO 'kafka://...?topic_prefix=bar_' would emit rows under the topic bar_foo instead of foo.
tls_enabled=true BOOL If true, enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the connection to Kafka. This can be used with a ca_cert (see below).
ca_cert STRING The base64-encoded ca_cert file.

Note: To encode your ca.cert, run base64 -w 0 ca.cert.
sasl_enabled BOOL If true, use SASL/PLAIN to authenticate. This requires a sasl_user and sasl_password (see below).
sasl_user STRING Your SASL username.
sasl_password STRING Your SASL password.

Cloud storage sink

New in v19.1: Use a cloud storage sink to deliver changefeed data to OLAP or big data systems without requiring transport via Kafka.


Currently, cloud storage sinks only work with JSON and emits newline-delimited JSON files.

Example of a cloud storage sink (i.e., AWS S3) URI:


The scheme for a cloud storage sink should be prepended with experimental-.

Any of the cloud storages below can be used as a sink:

Location Scheme Host Parameters
Azure azure N/A (see Example file URLs AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY, AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME
Google Cloud 1 gs Bucket name AUTH (optional; can be default, implicit, or specified), CREDENTIALS
HTTP 2 http Remote host N/A
NFS/Local 3 nodelocal Empty or nodeID 4 (see Example file URLs) N/A
S3-compatible services 5 s3 Bucket name AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, AWS_REGION 6 (optional), AWS_ENDPOINT

If you write to nodelocal storage in a multi-node cluster, individual data files will be written to the extern directories of arbitrary nodes and will likely not work as intended. To work correctly, each node must have the --external-io-dir flag point to the same NFS mount or other network-backed, shared storage.


The location parameters often contain special characters that need to be URI-encoded. Use Javascript's encodeURIComponent function or Go language's url.QueryEscape function to URI-encode the parameters. Other languages provide similar functions to URI-encode special characters.


If your environment requires an HTTP or HTTPS proxy server for outgoing connections, you can set the standard HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables when starting CockroachDB.

  • 1If the AUTH parameter is not specified, the cluster setting will be used if it is non-empty, otherwise the implicit behavior is used. If the AUTH parameter is implicit, all GCS connections use Google's default authentication strategy. If the AUTH parameter is default, the cluster setting must be set to the contents of a service account file which will be used during authentication. New in v19.1: If the AUTH parameter is specified, GCS connections are authenticated on a per-statement basis, which allows the JSON key object to be sent in the CREDENTIALS parameter. The JSON key object should be base64-encoded (using the standard encoding in RFC 4648).

  • 2 You can create your own HTTP server with Caddy or nginx. A custom root CA can be appended to the system's default CAs by setting the cloudstorage.http.custom_ca cluster setting, which will be used when verifying certificates from HTTPS URLs.

  • 3 The file system backup location on the NFS drive is relative to the path specified by the --external-io-dir flag set while starting the node. If the flag is set to disabled, then imports from local directories and NFS drives are disabled.

  • 4 New in v19.1: The host component of NFS/Local can either be empty or the nodeID. If the nodeID is specified, it is currently ignored (i.e., any node can be sent work and it will look in its local input/output directory); however, the nodeID will likely be required in the future.

  • 5 A custom root CA can be appended to the system's default CAs by setting the cloudstorage.http.custom_ca cluster setting, which will be used when verifying certificates from an S3-compatible service.

  • 6 The AWS_REGION parameter is optional since it is not a required parameter for most S3-compatible services. Specify the parameter only if your S3-compatible service requires it.

Example file URLs

Location Example
Amazon S3 s3://acme-co/employees.sql?AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=123&AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=456
Azure azure://employees.sql?AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY=123&AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME=acme-co
Google Cloud gs://acme-co/employees.sql
HTTP http://localhost:8080/employees.sql
NFS/Local nodelocal:///path/employees, nodelocal://2/path/employees

Note: If you write to nodelocal storage in a multi-node cluster, individual data files will be written to the extern directories of arbitrary nodes and will likely not work as intended. To work correctly, each node must have the --external-io-dir flag point to the same NFS mount or other network-backed, shared storage.


Option Value Description
updated N/A Include updated timestamps with each row.

If a cursor is provided, the "updated" timestamps will match the MVCC timestamps of the emitted rows, and there is no initial scan. If a cursor is not provided, the changefeed will perform an initial scan (as of the time the changefeed was created), and the "updated" timestamp for each change record emitted in the initial scan will be the timestamp of the initial scan. Similarly, when a backfill is performed for a schema change, the "updated" timestamp is set to the first timestamp for when the new schema is valid.
resolved INTERVAL Periodically emit resolved timestamps to the changefeed. Optionally, set a minimum duration between emitting resolved timestamps. If unspecified, all resolved timestamps are emitted.

Example: resolved='10s'
envelope key_only / wrapped Use key_only to emit only the key and no value, which is faster if you only want to know when the key changes.

Default: envelope=wrapped
cursor Timestamp Emits any changes after the given timestamp, but does not output the current state of the table first. If cursor is not specified, the changefeed starts by doing an initial scan of all the watched rows and emits the current value, then moves to emitting any changes that happen after the scan.

When starting a changefeed at a specific cursor, the cursor cannot be before the configured garbage collection window (see gc.ttlseconds) for the table you're trying to follow; otherwise, the changefeed will error. With default garbage collection settings, this means you cannot create a changefeed that starts more than 25 hours in the past.

cursor can be used to start a new changefeed where a previous changefeed ended.

Example: CURSOR='1536242855577149065.0000000000'
format json / experimental_avro Format of the emitted record. Currently, support for Avro is limited and experimental. For mappings of CockroachDB types to Avro types, see the table below.

Default: format=json.
confluent_schema_registry Schema Registry address The Schema Registry address is required to use experimental_avro.
key_in_value N/A New in v19.1: Makes the primary key of a deleted row recoverable in sinks where each message has a value but not a key (most have a key and value in each message). key_in_value is automatically used for these sinks (currently only cloud storage sinks).

Avro limitations

Currently, support for Avro is limited and experimental. Below is a list of unsupported SQL types and values for Avro changefeeds:

Avro types

Below is a mapping of CockroachDB types to Avro types:

CockroachDB Type Avro Type Avro Logical Type


The messages (i.e., keys and values) emitted to a Kafka topic are specific to the envelope. The default format is wrapped, and the output messages are composed of the following:

  • Key: An array always composed of the row's PRIMARY KEY field(s) (e.g., [1] for JSON or {"id":{"long":1}} for Avro).
  • Value:
    • One of three possible top-level fields:
      • after, which contains the state of the row after the update (or null' for DELETEs).
      • updated, which contains the updated timestamp.
      • resolved, which is emitted for records representing resolved timestamps. These records do not include an "after" value since they only function as checkpoints.
    • For INSERT and UPDATE, the current state of the row inserted or updated.
    • For DELETE, null.

For example:

Statement Response
INSERT INTO office_dogs VALUES (1, 'Petee'); JSON: [1] {"after": {"id": 1, "name": "Petee"}}
Avro: {"id":{"long":1}} {"after":{"office_dogs":{"id":{"long":1},"name":{"string":"Petee"}}}}
DELETE FROM office_dogs WHERE name = 'Petee' JSON: [1] {"after": null}
Avro: {"id":{"long":1}} {"after":null}


Create a changefeed connected to Kafka

  INTO 'kafka://host:port'
  WITH updated, resolved;
|       job_id       |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)

For more information on how to create a changefeed connected to Kafka, see Change Data Capture.

Create a changefeed connected to Kafka using Avro

  INTO 'kafka://host:port'
  WITH format = experimental_avro, confluent_schema_registry = <schema_registry_address>;
|       job_id       |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)

For more information on how to create a changefeed that emits an Avro record, see Change Data Capture.

Create a changefeed connected to a cloud storage sink


This is an experimental feature. The interface and output are subject to change.

There is an open correctness issue with changefeeds using resolved timestamps connected to cloud storage sinks. While this issue is unlikely, new row information could display with a lower timestamp than what has already been emitted, which violates our ordering guarantees.

This issue is fixed in v19.2 and beyond.

  INTO 'experimental-scheme://host?parameters'
  WITH updated, resolved;
|       job_id       |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)

For more information on how to create a changefeed connected to a cloud storage sink, see Change Data Capture.

Manage a changefeed

Use the following SQL statements to pause, resume, and cancel a changefeed.


Changefeed-specific SQL statements (e.g., CANCEL CHANGEFEED) will be added in the future.

Pause a changefeed

PAUSE JOB job_id;

For more information, see PAUSE JOB.

Resume a paused changefeed

RESUME JOB job_id;

For more information, see RESUME JOB.

Cancel a changefeed

CANCEL JOB job_id;

For more information, see CANCEL JOB.

Start a new changefeed where another ended

Find the high-water timestamp for the ended changefeed:

SELECT * FROM WHERE job_id = <job_id>;
        job_id       |  job_type  | ... |      high_water_timestamp      | error | coordinator_id
+--------------------+------------+ ... +--------------------------------+-------+----------------+
  383870400694353921 | CHANGEFEED | ... | 1537279405671006870.0000000000 |       |              1
(1 row)

Use the high_water_timestamp to start the new changefeed:

  INTO 'kafka//host:port'
  WITH cursor = '<high_water_timestamp>';

Note that because the cursor is provided, the initial scan is not performed.

See also

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