SQL Feature Support in CockroachDB v2.0

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CockroachDB v2.0 is no longer supported as of October 4, 2019. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.

Making CockroachDB easy to use is a top priority for us, so we chose to implement SQL. However, even though SQL has a standard, no database implements all of it, nor do any of them have standard implementations of all features.

To understand which standard SQL features we support (as well as common extensions to the standard), use the table below.

  • Component lists the components that are commonly considered part of SQL.
  • Supported shows CockroachDB's level of support for the component.
  • Type indicates whether the component is part of the SQL Standard or is an Extension created by ourselves or others.
  • Details provides greater context about the component.


Row Values

Component Supported Type Details
Identifiers ✓ Standard Identifiers documentation
INT ✓ Standard INT documentation
FLOAT, REAL ✓ Standard FLOAT documentation
BOOLEAN ✓ Standard BOOL documentation
DECIMAL, NUMERIC ✓ Standard DECIMAL documentation
NULL ✓ Standard NULL-handling documentation
BYTES ✓ CockroachDB Extension BYTES documentation
Automatic key generation ✓ Common Extension Automatic key generation FAQ
STRING, CHARACTER ✓ Standard STRING documentation
COLLATE ✓ Standard COLLATE documentation
AUTO INCREMENT Alternative Common Extension Automatic key generation FAQ
Key-value pairs Alternative Extension Key-Value FAQ
New in v1.1: ARRAY ✓ Standard ARRAY documentation
New in v1.1: UUID ✓ PostgreSQL Extension UUID documentation
New in v2.0: JSON ✓ Common Extension JSONB documentation
New in v2.0: TIME ✓ Standard TIME documentation
XML ✗ Standard XML data can be stored as BYTES, but we do not offer XML parsing.
UNSIGNED INT ✗ Common Extension UNSIGNED INT causes numerous casting issues, so we do not plan to support it.
SET, ENUM ✗ MySQL, PostgreSQL Extension Only allow rows to contain values from a defined set of terms.
INET ✓ PostgreSQL Extension INET documentation


Component Supported Type Details
Not Null ✓ Standard Not Null documentation
Unique ✓ Standard Unique documentation
Primary Key ✓ Standard Primary Key documentation
Check ✓ Standard Check documentation
Foreign Key ✓ Standard Foreign Key documentation
Default Value ✓ Standard Default Value documentation


Component Supported Type Details
Transactions (ACID semantics) ✓ Standard Transactions documentation
BEGIN ✓ Standard BEGIN documentation
COMMIT ✓ Standard COMMIT documentation
ROLLBACK ✓ Standard ROLLBACK documentation
SAVEPOINT ✓ CockroachDB Extension While SAVEPOINT is part of the SQL standard, we only support our extension of it


Component Supported Type Details
Indexes ✓ Common Extension Indexes documentation
Multi-column indexes ✓ Common Extension We do not limit on the number of columns indexes can include
Covering indexes ✓ Common Extension Storing Columns documentation
New in v2.0: Inverted indexes ✓ Common Extension Inverted Indexes documentation
Multiple indexes per query Planned Common Extension Use multiple indexes to filter the table's values for a single query
Full-text indexes Planned Common Extension GitHub issue tracking full-text index support
Prefix/Expression Indexes Potential Common Extension Apply expressions (such as LOWER()) to values before indexing them
Geospatial indexes Potential Common Extension Improves performance of queries calculating geospatial data
Hash indexes ✗ Common Extension Improves performance of queries looking for single, exact values
Partial indexes ✗ Common Extension Only index specific rows from indexed columns

Schema Changes

Component Supported Type Details
ALTER TABLE ✓ Standard ALTER TABLE documentation
Database renames ✓ Standard RENAME DATABASE documentation
Table renames ✓ Standard RENAME TABLE documentation
Column renames ✓ Standard RENAME COLUMN documentation
Adding columns ✓ Standard ADD COLUMN documentation
Removing columns ✓ Standard DROP COLUMN documentation
Adding constraints ✓ Standard ADD CONSTRAINT documentation
Removing constraints ✓ Standard DROP CONSTRAINT documentation
Index renames ✓ Standard RENAME INDEX documentation
Adding indexes ✓ Standard CREATE INDEX documentation
Removing indexes ✓ Standard DROP INDEX documentation


Component Supported Type Details
Common statements ✓ Standard SQL Statements documentation
UPSERT ✓ PostgreSQL, MSSQL Extension UPSERT documentation
EXPLAIN ✓ Common Extension EXPLAIN documentation
SELECT INTO Alternative Common Extension You can replicate similar functionality using CREATE TABLE and then INSERT INTO ... SELECT ....


Component Supported Type Details
Common clauses ✓ Standard SQL Grammar documentation
LIMIT ✓ Common Extension Limit the number of rows a statement returns.
LIMIT with OFFSET ✓ Common Extension Skip a number of rows, and then limit the size of the return set.
RETURNING ✓ Common Extension Retrieve a table of rows statements affect.

Table Expressions

Component Supported Type Details
Table and View references ✓ Standard Table expressions documentation
AS in table expressions ✓ Standard Aliased table expressions documentation
JOIN (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL, CROSS) Functional Standard Join expressions documentation
Sub-queries as table expressions Partial Standard Non-correlated subqueries are supported; correlated are not.
Table generator functions Partial PostgreSQL Extension Table generator functions documentation
WITH ORDINALITY ✓ CockroachDB Extension Ordinality annotation documentation

Scalar Expressions and Boolean Formulas

Component Supported Type Details
Common functions ✓ Standard Functions calls and SQL special forms documentation
Common operators ✓ Standard Operators documentation
IF/CASE/NULLIF ✓ Standard Conditional expressions documentation
COALESCE/IFNULL ✓ Standard Conditional expressions documentation
AND/OR/NOT ✓ Standard Logical operators documentation
LIKE/ILIKE ✓ Standard String pattern matching documentation
SIMILAR TO ✓ Standard SQL regexp pattern matching documentation
Matching using POSIX regular expressions ✓ Common Extension POSIX regexp pattern matching documentation
EXISTS Partial Standard Non-correlated subqueries are supported; correlated are not. Currently works only with small data sets.
Scalar subqueries Partial Standard Non-correlated subqueries are supported; correlated are not. Currently works only with small data sets.
Bitwise arithmetic ✓ Common Extension Operators documentation
Array constructors and subscripting Partial PostgreSQL Extension Array expression documentation: Constructor syntax and Subscripting
COLLATE ✓ Standard Collation expressions documentation
Column ordinal references ✓ CockroachDB Extension Column references documentation
Type annotations ✓ CockroachDB Extension Type annotations documentation


Component Supported Type Details
Users ✓ Standard GRANT documentation
Privileges ✓ Standard Privileges documentation


Component Supported Type Details
Column families ✓ CockroachDB Extension Column Families documentation
Interleaved tables ✓ CockroachDB Extension Interleaved Tables documentation
Parallel Statement Execution ✓ CockroachDB Extension Parallel Statement Execution documentation
Information Schema ✓ Standard Information Schema documentation
Views ✓ Standard Views documentation
Window functions ✓ Standard Window Functions documentation
Common Table Expressions Partial Common Extension Common Table Expressions documentation
Stored Procedures Planned Common Extension Execute a procedure explicitly.
Cursors ✗ Standard Traverse a table's rows.
Triggers ✗ Standard Execute a set of commands whenever a specified event occurs.
New in v2.0: Sequences ✓ Common Extension CREATE SEQUENCE documentation

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